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Tytuł projektu: MARS -NET – Sieć morskich symulatorów i zaplecza szkoleniowego dla ulepszenia systemu nauki zdalnej i dobrych praktyk edukacyjnych


Czas trwania projektu: 01.02.2022. – 01.02.2024.
Identyfikator projektu: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000029412
Dotacja EU: 207,970 EUR
Kierownik projektu:  captain Alecu TOMA, Associate professor PhD, Eng, MSc
Kierownik zespołu AMW: kmdr. por dr inż. Marcin KLUCZYK

Project: MARS-NET – Maritime Simulators and Training Facilities Network for Enhancing the Exchange of Good Practices and Digital Learning – joint international project implemented under ERASMUS+ KA226 program by:

– Romanian Naval Academy – coordinator (dr. Lupu Sergiu, dr. Popa Catalin);
– Polish Naval Academy – partner;
– PiriReis University – partner;
– Lithuanian Maritime Academy – partner;
– Bulgarian Naval Academy – partner.


  1. Harmonized curriculum

Building the updated pool of competencies for maritime education to improve the value of simulating facilities in maritime education (PRU – leader). As results of IO1, 10 course syllabuses to be harmonized for selected STCW courses, to value the simulation learning methods on hard and soft skills requirements, in order to align the MET curriculum to the newest STCW standards (i.e. continuing the DECOMAR and MARINE projects results), in order to prepare a virtual exchange programme for students and teachers, for the following courses: Ship Handling and Maneuvering, Cargo handling, Navigational Watchkeeping, Engine Room Watchkeeping, Radar Navigation, Maritime Search and Rescue, Coastal Navigation, Naval Machines and Equipment, Naval Communications, Celestial Navigation

  1.  Digital Media Tools

Digital media tools will be created to increase the efficiency of simulation trainings in maritime education and to be used in exchange programs implemented between partners.  A best practices guide for modeling digital course content will also be prepared to share good practices. In addition, instructional video materials will be created for navigation, engine room and cargo handling simulators.

  1. Virtual Digital Campus

The O3 objective represents the integrative phase of the project, conceived for connecting the academic community, students and teachers, to create and to access the virtual network developed as a “virtual campus” for sharing the didactic materials and the digital resources, for simulating learning environment courses and classes, as pre-determined and developed in O1 and O2.  Virtual network and  camus will be created for instructors and cadets, and video conference system will be implemented on, for work placement mentorship on each course, to facilitate the exchange hard skills during the cadetship (the partners will use MOODLE online platform and BBB BigBlueButton BN open source with MOODLE plugins directory facility, adopted as online videoconference software).

  1. Joint Scientific Research Partnership

One of the outputs of the project will be to establish a scientific partnership that encourages research by creating a more effective and efficient educational and training environment with the help of simulation studies. In this output, which can be described as an important step for the digitization of the maritime higher education system, the partners will contribute to virtual classroom leadership models, new methods for simulation classrooms, virtual scenarios and bridge team management techniques through interdisciplinary studies.

  1. Virtual Webinar Tools

The objective O5 has been planned to be the project implementation phase, when an overall number of 250 students and 20 teachers will be virtually enrolled in digital classes, to support the developing of the digital content materials. The methodology of building the teaching materials drafted on O2 will be fulfilled, recording the online monitored web-seminars sessions, delivered in videoconference system, to the students from cadetship or from different campuses. This teaching activities will use the simulating scenarios sharing online the practical exercises on simulators, and will be recorded to be further used in the joint network, as final digital resources, available for partners, in joint. – Virtual webinars applications for teachers and students – to be delivered to the virtual auditorium, recorded to be implemented, via platform. Each course will be assigned to a partner as specified in O2. As result of O5, the partners will make available 5 digital courses, fully covered with harmonized curriculum (O1), teaching materials (O2) and online available resources (O3), valuing the hard skills developing imperative for maritime higher education students, in virtual manner to stimulate the cadetship dual system programs, the virtual mobility of international students and the digitization of simulating classes. Already, as presented in attachment, the leading partner has drafted the methodology for training the trainers in designing the simulation exercises, on various type of simulators (navigation, engine room, communication, cargo handling)..